Monday, September 30, 2019

Water Shortage

Question: Evaluate viable solutions to the problem of water shortage in Australia. Water is the resource which is under increasing stress for most countries, especially for the developing countries. Australia is one of the experiencing typical water shortage countries. In Australia, in the recent years, water scarcity is a controversial and high-concerned issue since the global warming, land desertification, population growth, increasing use of hydropower and irrigation factors have intensified the water shortage phenomenon and affected the life quality of citizens.This essay will evaluate viable solutions to the problem of water shortage in Australia. It will examine the recycling water approach and changing the agriculture cultivating methods to address the problem. Firstly, the recycling water approach is a current useful strategy to help Australian to alleviate the water shortage pressure. Recycling water is the water that has been derived from sewerage systems or industry proces ses and has been treated to a standard safety level for usage.This water recycling approach is a viable and useful method as the wastewater resource is undefined and this method can provide the sustainable water supply for industries and daily life usage. Furthermore, recycling water system costs less expenditure than other methods and it can take the long term profit. Therefore, recycling water is a efficient approach to help the Australia government to address the water scarcity.Another alleviation strategy should be changing the agriculture cultivating methods. As research showed that nearly 91% of water consumption in Australia is used for irrigation, changing the agriculture growing way from hydrological style to low water demand farming form is essential. In addition, the new farming form can also take high economic profits because it rely on less water and increase product quantities.Therefore, changing the farming methods is another important strategy to face the water short age problem. In conclusion, water scarcity is a big challenge for all of countries in the world as well as for Australia. Adopting both of solutions that are recycling water and changing the farming form is a viable strategy to address the water scarcity problem. If not, it may cause more water usage pressure for the government.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

ECO365 Week 2 Simulation Essay

Simulation The supply and demand factors are essential to the work of economics. The use of these demand curves help businesses to maximize profits and the supply curve depicts the best price for the most product. These statistics are shown on a graph, which changes according to the supply and demand in a particular market (Colander, 2010). This simulation is an example of Good life property apartment rental supply and demand. This paper will discuss two microeconomics and two macroeconomics principles or concepts from the simulation. Also it will identify at least one shift of the supply curve and one shift of the demand curve in the simulation. In addition, it will discuss the effects of supply and demand in the workplace. Last, Relating to the simulation, it will explain how the price elasticity of demand affects a consumer’s purchasing and the firm’s pricing strategy. Two microeconomics and two macroeconomics principles Within this simulation are multiple examples of microeconomics and macroeconomics. One example of microeconomics is Good life property raising or lowering its rental rate for the apartments. Because it is a business decision, it falls under microeconomics. Another example is the percentage of inventory that Good Life has allotted for rental of their inventory. Macroeconomics deals more with decisions made higher than the business itself. For example, the increase of income caused by the addition of Lintech, is macroeconomics. Also the government imposing a cap on the monthly rent of 1550 dollars for two-bedroom apartments is a macroeconomic decision. One shift of the supply curve and one shift of the demand curve The supply curve is represented by a gradually increasing line on the graph of the scenario. The line represents the price and quantity for which apartments are purchased. For example, a shift in the supply curve was witnessed when  the new business entered the area. The addition of Lintech working facility prompted more consumers to want apartments. The supply curve moved left to indicate less supply on hand. The downward slope on the graph represents the demand curve. As recently explained, the price and demand are captured on this line. The increase of rent caused the demand curve to shift to the left, indicating a decrease in demand (Colander, 2010). Effects of supply and demand in the workplace In the petroleum industry, the price is relatively elastic. The demand of work from day-to-day is determined by the consumers demand for that product. Some days will require 12 hours of service whereas others will require eight hours of service to complete customer deliveries. With respect to supply, a shortage would negatively affect companies that are already customers. The shortage may increase price temporarily or an increase in the general cost of oil may increase price long term. The idea behind macro and microeconomics help to understand the impact that supply and demand have on the economy. Companies make educated decisions on a products life cycle according to the demand for that item. The equilibrium point (the intersecting point on supply and demand) is best suited for a product or service. How the price elasticity of demand affects a consumer’s purchasing and the firm’s pricing strategy The elasticity of price affects a company’s price tactics and consumer purchasing actions. If a products price changes, customer purchasing habits may rise or fall accordingly (Colander, 2010). If the demand for a particular apartment increases, as seen in the scenario, Good life properties will be able to raise rent rates in order to capitalize on the higher demand. On the other hand, customers may not purchase as much with a higher rent rate. As a result of increased rates, customers may seek alternatives such as conventional homes. This is how price elasticity effects consumer purchasing and the price point set by companies. The price for items or services may be too high which would cripple the potential earnings. A look at the supply and demand charts depicts the best price point. Good life property management have maximized its earnings and optimized its rental rates by using the supply and demand curves. Considering the petroleum industry, supply, and demand directly affect the price. Price elasticity is also a factor to consider when setting  the price for services or products. References Colander, D. C. (2010). Economics (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Retrieved April 11, 2013 from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Promotion Strategies

For many years I have been considering the idea of learning a foreign language: for example, Italian or Spanish. I was always interested in foreign languages and linguistics, especially in European languages of Latin origin. Besides, some of my far relatives have Italian roots and can speak Italian very good.I could hear this language occasionally since my childhood and was truly fascinated with its melodiousness and beauty. But, unfortunately, I did not have a good deal of free time for learning a second language when I was studying in high school, because I had to take care about my little brother.This summer when I was staying with my family in my home town, I saw an attractive bright advertisement in a local newspaper. This ad was informing people about opening new language learning facilities and inviting people to join the lessons. Unfortunately, the newspaper was a little old and I was late to enter the course. Nevertheless, to my mind, advertising in a newspaper was a good pr omotional idea, because it was necessary to attract attention of general public and inform target audience about opening the course.Three-four weeks later I bought a fresh newspaper and found there an article about that language school. The article was not only informing about opening some extra courses, but also presenting opinions of the students and interviews with some teachers. Publicity, as an element of promotional mix, was also quite successful technique, because a great deal of potential customers of such courses are young businessmen or officials, who plan to join international enterprises and are regular readers of newspapers.In addition, the author of the article gave detailed explanations as to the company’s discount policy. In particular, students and youth were offered up to 20% discount. Besides, those who could bring â€Å"a friend† as one more student of the course could receive extra 10% discount. Certainly, in such situation discounts are also among the most effective elements of sales promotion, because language courses can be interesting for students and even for teenagers, who can be financially embarrassed.Couple of days later I visited my favorite bookstore in the center of the city and saw there a promotion agent, who was distributing flyers and leaflets to potential students of the course. He also had a variety of other promotional materials: for example, he was giving a pen and a colorful notebook to the people, who were entering their names to his list and intended to join the course.Probably, this was a little less effective strategy, because there were not many people in the bookstore who could be really interested in language courses. But it was a good opportunity to talk to a representative of the school about the details of their programs.In addition, the company spent a lot of resources for advertising their services in Internet. An up-to-date site was created, which had all necessary information about the lesso ns and was quite easy to navigate.   Besides, I could see their banners and small ads on other local Internet sites, attracting attention of numerous Internet users. I suppose that this strategy could also bring good results, because nowadays everyone uses Internet and it is easy to reach potential customers through the web.Finally, there was one more very interesting promotional technique, which was directed not only on attracting new customers, but also on challenging and stimulating the students to achieve great success in learning languages. As I could learn from Internet site of the language school, they were going to award the best students of the courses with different prizes, including a trip to the West Rim of the Great Canyon. I suppose, this is one of the best promotional ideas, which can bring to very good outcomes.Unfortunately, I could not join the class of Italian because it would take me minimum three months to complete the first level. But I had to be back to univ ersity to continue my study. Nevertheless, it was an amazing opportunity for me to observe how different promotional strategies work and can be effective in this particular marketing environment. I have to admit that marketing specialists of the language school were very well qualified, and they managed to organize a very successful promotion campaign.Bibliography:PACE, Unit 15. (2001) Promotional Basics [Brochure]. The Center on Education and Training for Employment, The Ohio State University. OH: Columbus.

Friday, September 27, 2019

International law questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International law questions - Essay Example account the identities of the persons signing the declaration of independence, their respective political positions and the language contained in the declaration of independence. In this regard, the individuals signing the declaration of independence were democratically elected persons and therefore representatives of the people of Kosovo. Moreover, since the persons signing the declaration of independence indicated in the declaration that the independent state supported and would continue the work of the interim government, they were indeed representatives of the people of Kosovo and thus were not acting in the capacity of one of the interim institutions established for reconstruction and stabilisation. According to the Court, the authors of the declaration of independence were bound by UNSCR 1244/1999 insofar as they were required to observe it until the final resolution of the crisis in Kosovo until the provisional institutions were handed over to an established government. The fact that the court emphasized that the declaration of independence was not intended to act within the interim government’s mandate speaks to the fact that the authors of the declaration of independence were bound to observe UNSCR 1244/1999. The Court also indicated that the declaration of independence was not intended to usurp the interim government but merely spoke to the future sovereign status of Kosovo. By all indications, it would appear that the Court was of the opinion that the authors of the declaration of independence were bound to comply with UNSCR 1244/1999. I agree with the Court’s assessment since, the interim government was installed to diffuse a hostile situation and not to act in a permanent capacity. The interim government could not act in a way that contravened the people of Kosovo’s right to self-determination. Since the authors of the declaration of independence acted on behalf of the people of Kosovo that duly elected them to represent their interests,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Identify the factors that influencing young consumers' online purchase Essay

Identify the factors that influencing young consumers' online purchase behaviour towards fashion garments - Essay Example The research methods will include questionnaires. The aim is to allocate 160 research questionnaires within different locations. Different location distribution will allow for a wide and varied opinions and outcomes of the research components. In different set-ups, many young members of the community are fascinated with the idea of online shopping. It has led to believe that online shopping or online information on fashion and design contributes greatly to the factors that affect consumer decision on purchases. Fashion information that is available online creates positive impacts and develops positive relationship with young consumers. It influences their purchases behavior towards fashion garments. A study of the factors contributing to online shopping among young people is an important factor towards learning more about online marketing and e-commerce. The author intends to give a brief description of the importance of the study, its aim and purpose. As a researcher, personal intentions for handling the project are to analyze the various motives, which attract young consumers to buy items online. The literature review provides empirical evidence based on historical research that involved the same hypothesis. Online purchasing behavior, marketing, product viewing, fashion information online, delivery, social influences, consumer characteristics, online merchants and intermediaries, fashion and celebrity endorsement The purpose of the research proposal is to lay out a foundation for carrying out the actual research and explaining the basic steps that will be used in the research. It identifies the internet experience elements that facilitate interaction between the customer and fashion garments in an online forum. Many researchers stipulate that the online experience is the best in terms of fashion and garments. Online marketing is designed in a way that it creates a gripping and influential experience (Mccornic and

History And Crime Module In The Criminal Justice Assignment

History And Crime Module In The Criminal Justice - Assignment Example The social scientific knowledge and theory had developed not only within the minds of individuals but also in particular institutional domains, which have gained shapes from their surroundings. The development of the surroundings has been developed based on certain factors like the organizational pattern of the institute, division, and subdivision of the institute, emergence of disputes, funding of research studies and also the publication and usage of the findings. These values play a big role in shaping up the academic background of the institutes and also these values should be taken into consideration by the students while selecting their field of studies. In studying criminology the understanding of these institutional domains are especially important for the students, which would, in turn, help them in shaping up their knowledge base. This is useful not only in the academic world but also in the application world as well. The book Crime and Society in England: 1750 – 190 0 by Clive Emsley has clearly synthesized the recent works on crime and English society from the mid-18th century to close to the 19th century. The book cites the references of crimes in the Wales where the legal system was indistinguishable from the rest of England. The book also has the references of criminal justice systems of Scotland, which had a different legal system and Ireland that had rural and nationalist rebels together with the para-military police. There will be four key questions to be discussed in this essay.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Evaluate the methods used to obtain qualitative and quantitive Essay

Evaluate the methods used to obtain qualitative and quantitive information on DNA methylation - Essay Example Varied methods for analyzing DNA methylation quantitatively and qualitatively exist, and they entail studying the polymerase chain reactions. Notably, the identified and widely procedures for analyzing DNA methylation both qualitatively and quantitatively include methylation-specific PCR(MSP), combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA), bisulfite sequencing, methylation-sensitive single nucleotide primer extension (Ms-SNuPE), as well as, quantitative real-time MSP (Szyf, 2010 p 29). The use of each technique depends on the efficacy and intended information gain of the analysis process. Methylation-specific PCR technique involves the analysis of DNA methylation patterns in CpG islands. Thus, it is a qualitative technique of obtaining information on DNA methylation. The method involves the modification of the DNA using PCR with two primer pairs that are detectable in methylated and unmethylated DNA respectively (Ip, Canham, Choo, Inaba, Jacobs, Kalitsis, Mattiske, Saffery, Wong, Wong & Mann, 2012, p 9). The study of the methylation patterns focuses on the regulation of gene expressions as they occur in mammalian cells. This technique is useful from its advantages. Notably, it is highly sensitive and highly specific for particulate CpG sites, which makes it remarkably accurate. Additionally, the Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) facilitates for analysis of clinical samples, which have low levels of methylated sequences. The use of the restriction enzymes eliminates the problem of incomplete enzyme digestion; hence, giving accurate findings. The limitation of the techniq ue includes that incomplete bisulfite modification of the DNA gives false positivity results (Szyf, 2010 p 56). Further, poor design of the primers could give inconclusive results. Bisulfite sequencing technique entails the use of bisulphite treatment of the DNA to establish its pattern of methylation. It is a qualitative technique and was the first

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Actively Engage in Evaluation of Own Performance Essay - 1

Actively Engage in Evaluation of Own Performance - Essay Example The reporter declares that "the overall experience, according to me, was good as I realized my mistakes and got a chance to overcome my weaknesses. It is nice to have a person who was there to guide me about the shortcomings and show me the path to improvement. The path that my teacher suggested was free writing classes at Humber. The information about your weaknesses helps you improve and eliminate them. I have experienced it when my teacher my teacher gave me feedback that my writing skills need improvements and I took immediate steps to improve my writing skills. I also actively engage in evaluation of my own performance and it helps me in the identification of personal strengths and areas of growth and development. According to the article Thematic analysis of written assignment feedback: Implications for nurse education ,†Feedback is now accepted as a key factor affecting learning and, in educational settings, the term feedback is used in the context of assessments, where its main function is to provide information about students current performance as well as constructive comments that enhances future earning†. So, it is very important to measure your performance and evaluate the areas that require improvement. Description: In this week’s group meeting we created a project named logic model for community outreach project. In the Project logic model, we discussed all the steps that are part of our final project."

Monday, September 23, 2019

International Relations (The Caspian Sea Dispute) Essay

International Relations (The Caspian Sea Dispute) - Essay Example The interest encompassing oil extraction in Caspian region are commonly existent in several countries of the world in view of its significance to each individual country's benefit. For instance, the Caspian states regard the extraction of oil as a bonanza of future riches, potency and control. However, Caspian states are not the only ones to conceive these purviews, beside these interests are also cherished by the giant international oil companies such as BP, Amoco and Exxon etc with a view to boosting profitability. Besides, countries like United States, Russia, China, Iran and Turkey. All guided by the objective to gain maximum possible geopolitical advantages out of the region's oil exploration and exploitation. Hence, this paper sharpens the significance of this region for several interested parties and also explores the arousing international level conflicts concerning the geographic expedition and utilization of Caspian Sea's abounding oil resources. The internal and external politics in the Caspian region have led to the enormously growing contention among several countries. The internal importance of oil reserves in the region arises in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, where the oil is expected to free the countries from the claws of poverty, economic backwardness and Russian influence. The other country having substantial concerns for the region is Russia, which regards the exploration of oil in the region to be severely yoked with Russian 'internal security' matters. Finally the Caspian region is of international interest because of the region's potential to have ample reserves of unexplored oil, which can shape the fortune of several countries connected with it. As Frank Viviano (1998, pA1) propounds, "The oil boom in the Caspian basin promises to alter everything in its path- to erect a new El Dorado in desert wasted, fuel the economies of US and Europe, and re-order the global economy. It will also imperil thousands of years of tradition, setting its defenders against the tide of a glittering but deeply uncertain future." The foremost problem with the Caspian Sea's oil resources is that these reserves are not distributed equally across the sea, which has inseminated conflicts among the countries bordering it on the issue of maximum access to amplest oil. The major dispute held by the countries bordering the Caspian Sea i.e., Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Iran is the application of international law for the usage of Caspian resources, arguing on the treatment of Caspian as sea or lake. Brice Clagett (1998, p4) illustrate that if the Caspian is to be handled as sea, the eminent beneficiaries would be Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, as the resources of the sea would then be utilized by each country to the extent of a specified zone off the seashore under the international law. Both Russia and Iran, who had been historically sharing the Caspian Sea reserves, do not contain sufficient oil resources within their specified limits off the seashore. Therefore, they prefer the Caspian to be treat ed as a lake, enabling the countries to equally share the resources beneath the sea. Besides Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and other Caspian States, the most evident interest in Caspian Sea reserves is that of the Russian. Ozden Oktav (2005, p21) illuminates that "Russia has many economic and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Essay Example for Free

Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Essay Athletes use performance enhancing drugs to boost their game. The professionals who use these drugs are ruining the integrity of the game. Many people don’t understand why professional athletes would go to such extreme measures to be better when they have already proven themselves. Athletes are just taking away from their natural ability by using these dangerous drugs. The risk of using performance enhancing drugs is a lot greater than the reward, because an athlete’s reputation could be tarnished and their career ruined. Money is one of the major reasons why players use them; if they perform at levels higher than what their natural abilities could do they will be offered a large sum of money. Athletes are also putting their long term health in danger. These drugs have many dangerous side effects that are going unnoticed by the players. Even kids are starting to use performance enhancing drugs. Young kids look up to professional athletes and they watch everything they do. Kids want to be just like the pros so they will do exactly what they do to become better and unfortunately that is using drugs. Professional athletes who use performance enhancing drugs are setting bad examples for young athletes trying to follow their dreams. Performance Enhancing Drugs have been available in the United States for a long time, but they have only been starting to become a topic of discussion in the last fifteen to twenty years. Almost all of these drugs are manufactured outside of the United States, so that makes them more dangerous to take. Due to the fact that the drugs were not manufactured here they have not been evaluated by the U.S Food and Drug Administration. Some of these substances are naturally occurring, easily available and completely legal, while others are manufactured illegally, or banned by many sporting organizations. One form called HGH is the most commonly used substance; it increases an athlete’s muscle mass and performance. Athletes can be suspended for using performance enhancing drugs, but some people think that the organizations are not doing enough to stop pla yers from using them. For example if a player in major league baseball is found to have been using an illegal substance they would end up receiving a fifty game suspension, but they can still come back and play once the suspension has been fully served. The punishment should be a lot greater so athletes will not even think about using them. Professional athletes are paid by how well they perform, so by taking steroids to boost their ability they will receive more money. It’s not fair for the athletes who play the game fairly, because other players will have a competitive advantage over them. Every athlete should have an equal opportunity when playing professionally, because if they see other players taking illegal drugs to do better they will start doing the same. Using performance enhancing drugs will just cheat an athlete out of their true talent; they will not be respected for what they had accomplished during their careers. For example, there was a professional baseball player named Barry Bonds who took a great risk in using these illegal drugs. He was an excellent player throughout his career, but over the years his body had become significantly stronger. He broke numerous homerun records while in the Major Leagues including the most homeruns ever hit during a single career. He was later proven to have been using performance enhancing drugs. This caused him to jeopardize all of his records that most players would have to work really hard to get. A couple of years later Barry Bonds was sent to court over this issue and was later convicted of obstruction of justice. This is just one of many examples on how such a foolish mistake could ruin such a promising life forever. Many world records and Olympic medals have been taken back because the athlete used performance enhancing drugs. Another example of an athlete that took performance enhancing drugs is Ben Johnson during the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea. He set a world record in the 100m dash. He ran a 9.79, which at the time was a new world record. A few weeks later his medal was taken away from him, because he tested positive for human growth hormones. Even though this was a great feet in the history of track and field, nobody will be able to say he did it with natural talent and athleticism. He would end up not being able to compete ever again. The senseless decision to take performance enhancing drugs could ruin an athlete’s entire career. Many High School students have started to use these dangerous drugs; this is starting to become a major problem because athletes are just cheating themselves and are not becoming better. Professional athletes are setting very bad examples for high school students. Something every student has to deal with no matter if you play a varsity sport or is just a normal student is the pressure to do well and succeed. Some school districts have even been contemplating to add drug testing to high school athletes. This will eventually stop people from cheating to become professional athletes. Students also need to know what they are doing is wrong and could dangerously affect their long term health and could possibly lead to death. One statistic that may not seem extreme is that 2.3 percent of all high school students have used some type of performance enhancing drug. This is a dangerous statistic that no one is really addressing. If a young student wants to become pro they need to work hard and not give in to the temptation of using drugs to boost their athletic abilities. If they were to get caught using these drugs they could be suspended from school and their future and dreams could be ruined by one irresponsible decision. If professional athletes didn’t use these terrible drugs less high school students would use them. It’s very important for professionals to make sure they are setting good examples for young aspiring athletes. Professional athletes are slowly starting to raise awareness about this topic and are traveling to schools across the country informing students about the consequences that could perhaps present themselves. The use of performance enhancing drugs greatly affects the idea of the American dream. The American dream is the vision of growing up and being able to do whatever you desire The USA is built on the id ea of the meritocracy, and that is the impression that only the best is good enough. Kids have dreams becoming professional and making a lot of money. An athlete who would cheat themselves to reach these goals is ruining this entire concept. If kids start to think it is okay to cheat in order to achieve lifelong goals they will end up just hurting themselves, and will grow up to think that it is ok. Athletes who cheat in order to be successful may think they are living the American dream, but in reality there not. Cheating your way to get to the top is not the right thing to do. People who work hard and put in a lot of effort have an unfair disadvantage when it comes to being successful. Using illegal drugs in order to make large amounts of money is not right and unfair. If more people start doing this the concept of living up to these expectations could be tarnished forever. On the other hand athletes who have worked and trained hard their entire life have the right to be proud of themselves for what they had achieved. They can live life knowing that they did things the right way and that is all that matters. When it comes to living up to the American dream one should be happy and feel accomplished of everything they have done. The use of performance enhancing drugs in sports is a growing problem here in the United States. Athletes are taking away from their natural ability and are cheating themselves. They take these drugs in order to perform better and gain a competitive advantage. If players are caught using these drugs the player’s integrity could possibly be ruined forever. In today’s world it is becoming more and more difficult to get away with drug use in professional sports, the testing is much more advanced and the consequences are even greater. In situations like these the risk is a lot greater than the reward. Athletes need to live up to their true potential and not worry about being better than humanly possible. If an athlete just works hard every day he or she could reach goals that they didn’t think they would be able to reach. These dangerous drugs have much more negative effects on one’s body than positive ones. Some people may think that athletes are pushed to us e these dangerous substances when in reality they are just putting pressure on themselves to be better. Many of the modern day athletes are not aware of what kind of harm they are doing to their bodies; most think that they are making their bodies so strong so they will be able to handle long term side effects much more easily. This topic should receive a lot more attention that it is receiving, and there should be more programs developed to raise awareness and discuss the dangerous side effects of choosing to participate in athletic events in this matter. It must be difficult for athletes who don’t get caught using these drugs to live their life knowing that they not only cheated themselves but the nature of professional sports. These athletes are setting a terrible example for young athletes and are only caring about their own careers and not how their actions reflect the entire world. Athletes should end their careers asking one question and that is: Do we want to hurt our bodies and ruin the integrity of sports in order to be successful.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Posters of the Second World War An Analysis

Posters of the Second World War An Analysis What was the impact of the posters from the Second World War?Why are they still popular? Introduction: For my dissertation I have chosen to look at the posters from the Second World War. The idea to look at these posters came from my own interest in the war, the 1940s and the propaganda posters. I wanted to look further into them; why they were created, and what for?, did the posters do anything to help people during the war? And how/ why they still remain so popular today? After researching the era, researching the posters and visiting various places I decided I wanted to look at how people acted upon these posters and how they all helped with the war effort. Life changed massively from the moment it was announced Britain was at war Everything was rationed from food to petrol, gas masks were issued, children had the option to be evacuated, men were going to war and women were working. Even though there was so much going on and your normal day to day life could change at any moment the government wanted to try and get people to work and live as normally as they possibly could. The government was issuing hundreds of posters; urging people to work for victory, reminding you to wear your gas masks, talk less, turn off the lights, walk to work, plant vegetable, health posters and so many more. I wanted to look into these posters and how they helped people throughout the war and if they did help at all. There was so many posters produced, some of the posters I wanted to look at are: Keep Calm and Carry on, Dig for Victory, Make do and mend, Dont do it, mother leave the children where they are and a few more. One of the many things of the war I have always found interesting and is something I wanted to look at within this dissertation is family life Evacuation and the make do and mend. Evacuation of the war was one of the greatest movement and decisions made by the government during the war over 3,500,000 children were taken away from their homes to avoid the bombings and move out to the country and smaller areas less likely to be attacked. The first big attack on London lasted up to 76 days and nights, thousands were killed, injured and made homeless: The homeless resulted to camping nearby and thousands of people slept on the platforms of the underground stations each night. The main places were evacuation was taking place were on large cities such as London, Manchester, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Southampton, Bristol and Glasgow. Even though evacuation was an optional thing to do the government tried to push it as much as possible so children were safe and out of the way. After a while n othing was happening and parents felt that their children had been sent away for no reason, the government produced hundred more posters to try and explain that this wasnt the case. I wanted to look more into these posters to find out when these posters started to go out to the public, what the reaction was and if they did work like they hoped. Chapter One: The Second World War Why were these posters produced? Did they do anything? Chapter Two: Keep Calm and Carry On Why has this poster become so iconic? Chapter Three: Imitations and Popularity Why are these posters still so popular? How have they been reused? Chapter One:The Second World War Why were the posters produced? Did they do anything? Before the war officially broke out the government tried everything to prepare Britain for what was to come. Posters were one of the main ways to get the message across to the general public, which means these posters would have been seen everywhere. So many posters were produced during the second world war informing the general public on everything; Appeals and instructions, Immunization against Diphtheria, preventing the spread of a common cold, women covering their hair in factories, Dig for Victory and so many more. The earliest poster produced by the Ministry of Information was your courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your resolution will bring us victory which was one of three in a series of posters produced in 1939. Evacuation:Evacuation began on 1st September 1939 inn major cities such as London, Manchester, Belfast and Liverpool. The government wanted the children out of the way before the attacks started, it was expected that the war would open with a massive aerial attack on British cities. The government designed came up with the idea to protect people in Britain but particularly children by moving them to areas thought to be less at risk. School children (827,000) and their teachers, Mothers with children under 5 (524,000), Pregnant women (12,000) were evacuated. There were many posters produced by the government for the idea of evacuation; Mothers send them out of London -even though evacuation was voluntary the government tried to urge women to register their children for evacuation to protect them from what was to come and they would be safer from the bombs in the country. Evacuees returned home January 1940; The period known as the Phoney War, no real danger was happening and a lot of people felt cheated that they had sent their children away for no visible reason. Efforts were made to persuade parents that it was their patriotic duty to send their children back to the country. With children returning home the Ministry of Health produced more posters warning mothers not to be tempted by Hitler and the non- events that have happened; DONT do it mother LEAVE THE CHILDREN WHERE THEY ARE. Many of the posters produced at this time for evacuation were talking to the mothers trying to persuade them to leave the children where they are where they are the safest. This particular poster is one of the most recognised; it portrays a mother and her two children with a ghostly figure of Hitler saying take them back! Take them back! Take them back!. The design of the poster is very simple with a hand drawn black and white image with the text being the main focus h ighlighted in red. The one downside to the evacuation at first was not everyone was keen to take the children in but for some they did go and live with family or family friends. It might be you! Caring for evacuees is a national service These posters were produced to remind people of their duty to help with the war efforts by taking in the homeless from the cities. Dig for VictoryRationing began 8th January 1940 just months after the Second World War broke out. The Dig for Victory campaign was set up during the Second World War by the Ministry of Agriculture; the idea was to encourage men and women to grow their own food to help with the war effort. Many open spaces were turned into allotments; a garden, public parks even the lawn outside the tower of London was turned into a vegetable patch. Before rationing and the Dig for Victory campaign was introduced Britain was reliant on the cheap imports of food from overseas; main suppliers were from Canada and America. Everyone had to help with the effort: Men, women and children everyone could do their bit whether it was looking after an allotment or growing vegetables in the garden or window box. The Dig for Victory campaign seemed to be successful with getting the help with the war effort message across. It became a part of childrens everyday school routine all children helped digging by going to the parks in the afternoon to dig up carrots, cabbages and potatoes. By 1943 there were over 1.4million allotments producing over a million tons of vegetables that year. Two very iconic posters are Your own vegetables all the year round if you dig for victory now and Dig for Victory they both have two very different designs with the same messages. Out of the both of these posters the most iconic and recognisable is the poster of the young boy with his back to you while his walks off to contribute to the war effort. This has such a basic design and colour pallet but with a clear Dig for Victory message. The other however is similar to the evacuation poster, the main focus of the poster is not meant to be the imagery but it is the text. This has been highlighted in yellow and black along with a large font to grab your attention. There were many posters produced for the Dig for Victory campaign and others by the Ministry of Health. The Ministry created cartoon characters such as Potato Pete and Doctor Carrot, the idea was to show how good these vegetables were for you. Slogans read: Im a protective food- says Potato Pete, Call me often and youll keep well Doctor Carrot. These adverts/ posters proved successful and were popular amongst children as they both had songs to go alongside them as well as recipe books for the parents. Dig for Victory, grow your own vegetables now, your own vegetables all the year roundif you DIG FOR VICTORY NOW! a lot of posters produced showed more women working than they did men at this time; As a lot of the men went to war it was the womens job to fill in and do the jobs the men had left behind. Rather than showing young women in elegant dresses, magazines and posters showed happy young women with pitch forks helping the war effort. Without these posters persuading and showing the women doing mens jobs (factory, farming, Mechanics) the jobs for women wouldnt have progressed like they have done and they would still be expected to be housewives. The Dig for Victory campaign proved to be one of the most successful from the Second World War. The idea of growing your own food didnt just stop straight after the war had ended, it continued for many years after and people are still doing it now. Both of these posters proved to be a huge success during the Second World War, the general public acted upon them and chose to do the right thing to help with the war effort. The posters changed the way the UK lived and worked for many years after and they still have an effect on what we do today. Chapter Two: Keep Calm and Carry On -Why has this poster become so iconic? The message Keep Calm and Carry on nowadays has been completely taken out of context and is seen everywhere; posters advertising events (pub quiz), used online (Memes Keep calm and go to Hogwarts), Companies are using the slogan and has appeared on Homeware and so much more. But why do people still love this message?The poster was originally produced by the Ministry of Information in 1939 after the outbreak of the Second World War. The Ministry of Information designed three morale boosting posters which were to be displayed across Britain. They read; Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution will Bring us Victory, Freedom is in Peril, Defend it with all your might and Keep Calm and Carry On. Two out of the three posters were seen on public transport, in shop windows, on notice boards and many other places across Britain. The Ministry of Information produced hundreds of posters during the war to spread important messages. During the war the main way of reaching people was thro ugh billboards, public transport and in papers during the 1940s people werent trying to compete with television, internet and social media. The Keep Calm and Carry on poster was rediscovered in 2000 at Barter Books in Alnwick, Northumberland. The owner of the shop found the poster folded up at the bottom of a box of books. After the poster was found it was framed and hung in the shop It attracted so much interest that the owners began to produce and sell copies. Later this turned into more products and then soon after other people copied the keep calm and products with this slogan were seen everywhere. The plan for the Keep Calm poster was to only issue it on the invasion of Germany This didnt happen which meant the poster was never officially seen by the public. Over two-and-a-half-million copies were printed to be distributed across Britain. The Keep Calm poster is one of the many few during the war that wasnt telling people to go out and fight, dig for victory, made do and mend as well as careless talk. This particular poster was just a simple message telling people to remain calm during the situation and not to panic. The poster is now seen not only as a distillation of a crucial moment in Britishness, but also as an inspiring message from the past to the presentin a time of crisis Susannah Walker-Design Historian I agree with the previous statement, people admire many posters from the second world war for many reasons; some of the posters are still relatable, bring back memories and have stories to tell. However Keep Calm and Carry On it is one of the most well-known posters from the war which was never used. People nowadays still like this poster as it is a nostalgic memory from the war but when the series of posters were released people didnt like them; the people who saw the posters said they were patronising and divisive. The entire campaign produced by the Ministry of Information was completely scrapped just after four weeks. The posters they had printed were stored away and kept until April 1940, The majority of the posters were pulped as part of the governments idea to recycle paper so only a few copies survived. With its rising popularity over the years it has become one of the iconic images of the 21st century, not just from the original design but from everything that has come from this one image. The popularity of the poster spreads further than just Britain; it has been spotted in seaside town gift shops in America. When it reaches places like this the poster ends up losing its Britishness and becomes a very stereotypical thing about the country. Why is it hated? People like the original postern for how British it is as well as it having a sense of nostalgia and memories of the war as well as the message behind the poster; it is also hated by what has become of it and how it is constantly adapted online. Online was the first place where the poster began to go away from the original message; Keep Calm and Call Batman, Keep Calm and Hakuna Matata, Keep Calm and Eat a cupcake and so many more. Soon after the adapted versions were seen on mugs, notebooks, being used to advertise products People wanted to see the end of the poster after this. But why do we as a country still love and cling onto this poster?Realistically with the Keep calm and carry on poster people want to hate it (some do) and wish it would die of death like many other trends over the years, many people however secretly do like it.In the UK we are drawn instantly to anything baring the flag, Royal Family, Tea and all the normal stereotypical British things. It is the same with this poster; people are drawn to the Britishness of it and the calming yet nostalgic message. It is one of the many posters from the Second World War that at times can still relate to any issue going on in our country. It still spreads the same message to us now as it should have done then. Comparing the current government to the government then it would be difficult for them now to come up with a poster that has the same appeal to it powerful and simplicity might not be enough these days. Posters produced by the government now attempt to convince the public of a danger and get them to modify their behaviour; Keep Calm and Carry On tells you to think another way and continue acting as you have always acted. There would be attempts to create new and improved posters or even try and develop ones that already exist. If anything were ever happen to the United Kingdom like it did during the war, people would go back and dig out the old posters. They worked before, they will work again. Chapter Three:Imitations and Popularity Why are these posters still so popular? How have they been re-used? Many of the posters from the Second World War are always being imitated; if its to advertise new products of to promote a local event. These posters are always coming back around just designed in a different way; one of the easiest posters to re-produce is Keep Calm and Carry On. Keep Calm and Carry OnIn 2012 McFly promoted their tour called The Keep Calm and Play Louder tour the design of the poster was kept the same with the red background and the grown of King George but with the bands logo added to the image. Another company to use the Keep Calm was Nectar in 2010 to promote the loyalty card; Keep Calm and Carry One. The campaign was featured in over nine newspapers including; The Sun, Daily Mirror, Metro, The Times and The Telegraph. The design of the poster was kept similar to the original with the layout and text The background was the Nectar purple and in place of the crown was the nectar card. In 2012, Shepheard Neame released limited edition bottles; Keep Calm and Celebrate. The idea behind the bottle was to evoke on the country-wide pride during the summer of national celebration; London Olympics, Diamond Jubilee and Euro 2012 as well as to commemorate the Battle of Britain The bottles were only issued at large events. The design of the Keep Cal m was kept simple background changed to navy and in place of the crown was a spitfire. Ministry of FoodIt isnt just the posters that are always being imitated and reproduced, its even sayings and old campaigns. Back in 2008, Jamie Oliver released a book and TV series called Ministry of Food This has been taken from the food rationing system from the war.What was the Ministry of Food during world war two?During the Second World War the Ministry of food was more known as Minister of food and Minister of food control. The main task for the Minister of Food during the war was to oversee the rationing in the UK; originally the idea of rationing began as an experiment and for the ministry it worked surprisingly well. Rationing officially began in early January 1940 and was a major success of the Second World War. With the food supplies cut short because of Germanys actions and the needs of the services, rationing was an essential and by 1942 most foods were rationed. One issue the Minister of food had with the rationing was children they wanted to make sure that Britain wa s providing 650,000 children with free school meals and to guarantee them an adequate nutrition (for everyone not just the children). The minister of food released recipes to help people through the war to create simple and easy meals with the little food they had. Jamie Oliver TV program and book idea was an aim to try and recreate the success of the ministry of food and try and encourage healthy eating. From this program he set up four Ministry of food centres which were all offering the food he had been producing on the show. The title of the show is a play on the Ministry of food and Minister of food. Make do and mend Make do and mend isnt a poster that people are taking off but it is still something a lot of people do still follow. You could argue that we now live in a throw-away society when our clothes get stained or the seams of trousers show any wear we simply dispose of the item or rebuy them as clothing has become cheaper. There are however a lot of younger people who prefer to upcycle clothes or even make their own from rummaging through a charity shop. The Make do and mend campaign started when clothes rationing was introduced during the Second World War. The Ministry of information produced a pamphlet encouraging people to do whatever they could to extend the life of their clothes (a leaflet which is still reproduced and sold in some museum gift shops). The campaign played an important part in the daily life during world war two. The shortage of clothes was down to sinking ships coming into England as well as the clothing manufacturers were commissioned to manufacture uniforms as a priority. As clothing was now a shortage, in 1941 clothes rationing was introduced: people were given 66 coupons a year (which was later reduced) a womans blouse was 12 coupons, 11 coupons for a dress, 2 for socks/stockings, 8 for a mens shirt or trousers, 5 for womens shoes and 7 for men and extra coupons were given to children. As everything was being rationed clothes had to last a lot longer so people began to make new clothes from the old and from a ny other household linen. Nothing was thrown away, especially if it could be made into something else. A pamphlet was part of the campaign and was intended to provide housewives with useful tips and ideas on how to reuse old clothing. Readers were advised to create: decorative patches to cover holes on warn garments, unpick old jumpers to re-knit alternatives and turn mens clothing into womens. One of the hardest things for parents with the clothing ration was struggling to clothe their growing children Clothing Exchanges were set up by the womens voluntary service to help meet these parents needs. Parents could take clothes their children had outgrown and swap it for new clothes. Like I mentioned previously a lot of people do enjoy Sewing, knitting, crochet and making their own clothes and it is still a popular thing to do. I think that the make do a mend campaign is still applies now and people do still follow the ideas and information inside the pamphlet like people did then. Within this dissertation the one poster I wanted to look at more so than the others was Keep Calm and Carry On. It is the most overused poster from the 1940s and has slowly become one people cant stand. The meaning behind the poster has been lost and taken out of context, from the way it is used online through memes to the way companies are using it to advertise products. I have discovered that a lot of the hate towards the poster has come from online and how it became adapted and stepped away from the original message; Keep calm and go to Hogwarts, Keep calm and call the doctor, Keep calm and let it go and so many more. The adapted versions are seen everywhere. In conclusion to this I have found out that the posters from the Second World War will always have a strong impact on Britain There was throughout the war and they have had a similar impact for many years after. These posters will always remain popular; we are drawn to them regardless if it is the original posters or somethi ng that has been created from the original. Posters such as Dig for victory is still a poster that is followed today with people still growing their own vegetables, Make do and mend is another poster which is still followed with people still making their own garments from scraps and new fabrics. Bibliography: Waller, Maureen (2012) A family in wartime: How the Second World War shaped the live of a generation: ConwayPages: 10,16,20,47,72,121,125 Williams, Brenda (2006) The World at War World War II: The Homefront: Oxford Ross, Stewart (2007) At home in World War Two: Evacuation : Evans Brothers ltd First News and The Silverline (2016) Voices from the Second World War: Witnesses share their stories with the children of today: London Walker Books and Subsidiaries The Story of Keep Calm and Carry on (Uploaded: Barter Books 28th February 2012) Dig for Victory (Uploaded: 20th March 2009) Imperial War Museum Collections Poison gas and gas masks : Join me in the 1900 [online] Evacuation in World War Two (2013) [online] The Evacuated Children of the Second World War : Imperial War Museum [online] Evacuation How it affected ordinary lives : Home sweet Home front (July 2011) [online] Dig for Victory: Home sweet Home front (July 2011) [online] How Dig for Victory campaign helped win the war The Telegraph (April 2013) [online] How to Dig for Victory : The Big World [online] Keep Calm and Carry On [online] Keep Calm and Carry on the sinister message behind the slogan that seduced the nationThe Guardian (January 2016) [online] Keep Calm and Carry On (2011) [online] I am the keep calm and carry on man The Independent (April 2009) [online] Keep calm and carry on -History [online] How long can the Keep calm trend carry on? The Independent (May 2015) [online] The Greatest motivational poster ever? BBC News (February 2009) [online] Nectar ad plays on wartime poster for new era of post-budget austerity -The Guardian (June 2010) [online] Make do and mend Victory living (2010) [online] Make do and mend -1943 -British Library [online] 8 facts about clothes rationing in Britain during the Second World War -Imperial War Museum [online] Minister of food Wikipedia Shepherd Neame produces limited edition spitfire bottle for 2012 events Big Hospitality (march 2012) [online]

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Report On Snowboarding Winter Sports

A Report On Snowboarding Winter Sports Snowboarding is one of the biggest and fastest growing winter sports. The reason I chose to look into snowboarding more, is because I have wondered about issues like where it began, backcountry boarding, and safety. Snowboarding has been progressing very rapidly, but when did snowboarding actually originate? And who was the person who started it? It seems according to the research I did, that no one actually knows who first came up with the idea. Some say that in the 1920s is when people first started using snowboards, although not actually snowboards, more a board with a string. But we do know that the first type of snowboard was the snurf board. It never had bindings, and was only made for a few years, but the most astounding part was that in the first year of its production, nearly half a million boards were sold. After the snurf board came along burtons first boards, and with them also came the first professional boarders, and the first competitions began. Since then the sport has continued to evolve, and so has the gear as we will talk about later on. Snowboarding gear has changed drastically over the years, from boards and gear that more resembled ski boots and surf boards, to flimsy leather boots that had no strength, to the stiff comfortable boots we now enjoy. The boards themselves have changed drastically as well, but I think the most drastic change has been the clothing for snowboarders. Not only in the way theyre designed, but also in the colors that seem to be popular for that time period. Many of the bright colors such as pink that were sported in the 80s, seem to be coming back in the last few years, Not only pink, but just bright colors in general. The evolution of the bindings is another big step that seems to have been more took in small steps at a time. bindings have progressed from two straps that needed to be ratcheted, to two straps but only one ratchet.. manufacturers have also created step in bindings, which seemed to be in for a little while, but they dont have the same back support, and they tend to have many more problems with the setup, including broken rip cords for when taking of a boot from the board, to frozen snow and ice so that they cant even get the boot locked in. Thus because of all the issues that happened, it seems that manufacturers of all brands have more or less got rid of the step in binding and boots setup. Backcountry is a type of snowboarding that seems to be progressing rapidly, and also shows up more in the latest movies like: Thats It Thats All and Get Real; the focus seems to be on big air Jumps, up to 150 feet distance , and 50 or 80 feet in the air, and then landing on perfectly sloped hills with tons of powder. Another way backcountry seems to be used in the movies is for huge drops, and coming down super steep mountains. These forms are all backcountry, and it is done in many different ways for many different people. Some people use snowmobiles for going into the back country while others use snowshoes or even snowboards that can be split into two parts and made into skis for skiing up the mountain. The main attraction for most people to backcountry seems to be all the fresh powder that comes along with the hard work, as well as people enjoy the adventure and time spent with friends during the day. One of the biggest risk factors about backcountry snowboarding would have to be all the avalanches that happen every year. Without the usual blasting like what goes on at big ski hills, the snow can become very unstable, and even create overhangs, and as a result many avalanches start. Another reason for avalanches is the different variety of conditions up in the mountains, thus causing unstable snow that slides very easily. Differences in tricks and styles of riding since the first competition, have become very clear, I myself dont know what types of tricks and such that were pulled during the first competition. For all I know it could have just been about the one that stayed on his board the longest won! But what I do know is that over the years the tricks and different styles of boarding have changed. First, lets talk about the different styles and kinds of snowboarding, and then after that we will look at how it has all progressed in tricks. The main type of snowboarding is still where someone goes to the ski hill, gets a board and just enjoys going down the slopes at their own pace. However, there are different types, for example, in the deserts they snowboard, but instead of doing it on snow its on sand. There is also the racing of snowboarders down single tracks. The boards are made differently and have the bindings pointing more towards the nose of the oard. There is also the type where you get a bout five people in each race and you go down a track with jumps and moguls, trying to beat the other competitors to the finish line. Another type is the more park freestyle type were boarders can go into half pipes and pull tricks, or nail a few rails. Each type of riding seems to have a type of board that goes along with it. The boards can differ in their flex, length and weight, thus the board suits the type of riding the rider uses it for. Sometimes the rider uses a different style of board than he should for the type of riding he does. For example.. Instead of riding a stiffer board like I should I prefer a flexi board.. but its just my personal preference. When setting up a snowboard there are many different things to come into consideration, including length of the board for the person and the set up, either goofy or regular. Also, the angle of the bindings can be changed for omparableness. When picking a board length for a person, the majority of the time we want a board tha t is just under our nose when compared to us, but again as you get better you might want to change the length of the board for the style of riding you do. When a person is getting set up for the first snowboarding experience, they usually do a test to see which foot should be put first , right foot forward is goofy, left foot forward is regular. To test which foot should go forward they usually just push you backwards and see which foot you step back with. That indicates which is the lead foot, and it should be at the front. When deciding on the angle of your bindings it usually is put for the most comfortable setting allowing the best movement and stability. The usual formation is set with the back binding facing straight, while the front is angled about 10 to 20% towards the front of the board. Again, as the rider gets better he may choose to change the angles. Mine are set both straight, while my friends are set duck foot, being the back binding angled to the tail of the board, w hile the front binding is angled to the front of the board. The reason why so many injuries and deaths occur when snowboarding can be split into two reasons. First, why and how do injuries and deaths occur for backcountry snowboards? And two, why and how are injuries and deaths occurring for snowboarders on slopes and such? To begin with I think we should look at what causes the injuries and deaths in backcountry snowboarding. The largest factor in deaths to snowboarders when doing backcountry is avalanches. Avalanches can be triggered so easily, from taking a drop, to just carving in the fresh powder. So why do avalanches occur? What causes these mass amounts of snow to come careening down the hill towards onlookers and smashing to bits everything in its way? An avalanche is caused by the way snow builds up and the kind of snow building up, as well as different temperatures as it builds up.. if there is a solid slab on the bottom with powdery snow on top , the bottom slab can act l ike a slippery board, and the snow on top will slide on it. In this illustration, it shows the unstable snow that built up, and as the skier in this case carved on the snow it let loose, causing an avalanche. Another reason for deaths to snowboarders is due to the fact that it seems un cool to wear a helmet. I had never ridden with a helmet until this year, but I must say that it doesnt affect anything but keeping your head safe, and who wouldnt want that. If we could get more people wearing helmets alone it would take the death rate down. Illustration 1 I myself grew up skiing from a young age of about five or younger. By the time I was about seven, I was already snowboarding and doing very well at it. From then on I had a lot of people that influenced my boarding, and taught me many skills. At the age of about twelve I started really getting into all the tricks, and uring that time I also built a few rails and attempted to build a half pipe on our property.. of course it was only 4 feet high and 8 feet across, but hey it was something Ill never forget. Since then Ive learned many tricks: 180, 360, 540, grabs, rails even a back flip. After them it just turns into trying to combine the tricks such as a back flip 180 with a grab in it.. gets scary but super fun. Although I have grown up in a small town with huge mountains around me, I really havent done all that much backcountry. Yes, I have done backcountry, but it ends up being like a few times a year at the most. this year I have been wanting to get out and do some more backcountry , but the weather doesnt seem to want me to, seeing as we have had very bad weather which causes many avalanches. But my opinion still stands from my past experiences, backcountry is just the best type of riding, from the soft deep powder, to the massive 80 to 140 foot gaps you can make, with powdery landings. If you want a challenge and a good time, I suggest backcountry snowboarding with a few friends â€Å"beginning of snowboarding.† Snowboard history. 05-22-05. 15/12/09 www. â€Å"the history of snowboarding- from garages to Olympics.† The history of snowboarding. 09/10/2008. 16/12/09 â€Å"The history of snowboarding.† Bulgaria ski. 16/12/09 â€Å"the history of snowboarding .† contributions to the history of snowboarding. 15/12/09 â€Å" youtube. 15/12/09 â€Å".youtube. 15/12/09 Ryan wiltons history picture collection. youtube. 16/12/09 â€Å"history of snowboarding.† 16/12/09 Wikipedia â€Å"Backcountry snowboarding.† Backcountry. 15/12/09 â€Å"off piste- backcountry snowboarding.† ABC of snowboarding. 15/12/09 â€Å"The backcountry can be a beautiful, but dangerous place!†. 2008-2009 season. Magazine Snowboard Canada issue for early winter 2009 â€Å"Totally Rad 80s Snowboard Gear Dude.†12/12/08 Pictures AA.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Work of F. Scott Fitzgerald :: Fitzgerald Author Essays

Francis Scott Fitzgerald once said "Mostly we authors must repeat ourselves?that's the truth. We have two or three experiences in our lives? experiences so great and moving that it doesn't seem at the time that anyone else has been so caught up" (de Koster n. pag.). Fitzgerald's works contain many themes that are based from experiences in his life. Many of these experiences he talks about were with the women in his life. People like his mother, Ginerva King, and Zelda Sayre all had major impacts on Fitzgerald. The women in F. Scott Fitzgerald's life influenced his writing in a number of ways. The first major woman to make and impression on Fitzgerald's life was his mother. Mary (Mollie) McQuillan was of Irish decent. Her parents were Irish immigrants who became rich as grocery owners in St. Paul (Bruccoli 1). Mollie inherited a fair amount of money from her family, but the family had difficulty maintaining the high standard of living they were accustomed to (Bloom 11). When they fell into financial trouble it was her father they turned to. The fact that Fitzgerald's mother, rather than his father, was the financial foundation for their family influenced Fitzgerald greatly. Even as a young boy he was aware of this situation. The theme that arose from this about a wife's inherited money appears frequently in Fitzgerald's writing (Magill 679). When the Fitzgeralds fell into financial trouble, the family had to depend on Mollie's family's money. When times like that came Mollie "abandoned the attempt to Tarleton 2 keep up her personal appearance (neglecting both grooming and fashion), which embarrassed her fastidious son. Scott later recorded a dream in which he admitted being ashamed of her" (de Koster 15). Furthermore, Fitzgerald's attitude toward his mother influenced him as a person. Because two of Mollie's children had died before Fitzgerald, she was very protective of him. She often worried about his health and babied him. But "her attempts to spoil him stren gthened his distaste for her" (de Koster 15). She wanted her only son to have "social ambition" ("Brief Biography 1). Fitzgerald's negative description of her in "An Author's Mother" where he describes her as "a halting old lady" in a "preposterously high-crowned hat" reveals his feelings (de Koster 15). Fitzgerald was affected by all these emotions towards his mother in his personality and his work. Another influence on Fitzgerald was his first love, Ginerva King.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Internet and Research Essay -- Analysis Research Internet Essays

Internet and Research According to The Disappearance of Technology, by Bruce and Hogan, â€Å"(technological) tools become commonplace. Each literacy technique goes from unfamiliar to familiar, from visible to invisible.† Proof of this can be seen through even just one person, as he begins life prior to the house-hold computer, and witnessed the changes as the Internet become main stream, and finally to his uses of technology today while attending law school. To begin a research analysis on Brian Petrano’s literacy eco system, one must first analyze the beginnings of his technological life. At his current age of 25, he has only been exposed to computers and the Internet for about fifteen years. Of course, this means his experience with computers coincides with the initial stages of the home computer evolution. While in his sophomore year of high school, he began to assist a librarian, Mrs. Rulon. She eventually exposed him to the potential of the Internet and its abilities as a resource, along with the capabilities of the computer beyond a simple word processor. This was the beginning of his technological life. â€Å"You can learn anything,† Brian discovered, â€Å"and the name they gave it is exactly right, it is a ‘web’ that can branch off on whatever you are researching.† From this point, Brian has been all consumed with the possibility of the World Wide Web as a research tool. For Brian, a composition tended to be a culmination of literary works found on the Internet. Especially now, he has little use for creating new works. On the contrary, he typically researches in-depthly and pulls together the most important aspects found, into one article with Brian’s tone. Through the years, he has seen himself grow from visiting the..., with the Internet as his main resource. Lately though, things have seemed to change. The Patriot Act has him worried about the freedom of computers and the Internet. â€Å"I appreciate it, because so far, it is not censored. The free market place of idea and thought is what this country is founded on. It may be our downfall, but is paramount, and so important.† In the end, Brian has complete respect and admiration for technology, specifically the Internet, and the ease it offers him. His life has come to depend on it as it grows before his eyes. The old days of card catalog technology seem even humorous to him, â€Å"I remember helping Mrs Rulon organize the card catalog and thinking, ‘there has to be a better way then this.’† There is, and in the future there we will probably look back at the Internet of today and laugh while wondering how we ever functioned with it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Does Art Influence Culture, or Does Culture Influence Art Essay

Does art shape the mood and dependency of culture, or does culture shape the perspective of art? Art does not only mean the literal paintings, and physical art. Music, poetry, sculpting, and theatre, are also in the category of art, and people like William Shakespeare and Matsuo Basho have definitely left their mark on the past and present’s cultures with their expressions of art. Art and culture are not black and white concepts; there is no way to say that one affects the other absolutely. But they do affect each other, in many instances. For example, art reflects culture in that the society and environment in which the form of art was created may have affected the person, place, and reason behind why that piece of art was created. It can show the economic status of that nation in the art and the materials used to make it. On the other hand, culture reflects art, because art can act like a beacon or catalyst. It motivates and influences people, in the way that a good song can lift a spirit or induce feelings of sadness. Aristotle once said, â€Å"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.† People perceive art on a personal level, and relate it to themselves or their life in order to form a sort of connection. Art and culture are invariably linked, constantly pushing and pulling the advancement of one another. A good example of art reflecting culture in history is the Renaissance Era. During the Renaissance, Europe had an immediate renewal in art and learning. Europe was recovering from the bubonic plague; there was a rejuvenation of wealth in prosperity. There was a somewhat excess in wealth, which resulted in many people becoming patrons of the art, or wealthy people that sponsored artists to continue their craft. They could afford to spend their money and invest in an upcoming artist, or buy his paintings. Due to the sudden rise in patrons, artists were becoming famous, there were suddenly many more artists being employed to work in public buildings and sculpt people. For example, Michelangelo was paid to illustrate the Sistine Chapel, and also sculpted. The Renaissance scholars brought back the original, classical forms of artwork from the Roman and Greek times, because they grew tired of the simplistic, archaic methods of the Middle Ages. It also changed the subjects and ways that the artists created their  artwork. Before the Renaissance, everything had been about religion and ideological faith. The Renaissance brought about new ideas and concepts for artists, such as Michelangelo’s sculpture, David. It depicts David moments before the biblical battle between the Philistines and the Israelites, where he is depicted as powerful, yet graceful. Artwork like this began to show humanism, humanities achievements and potential. Also, the Renaissance changed the way that writers wrote their literature. Writer’s like Dante and Francesco Petrarch had begun writing in the vernacular, or their native languages, being Italian and Latin instead of only the traditional Latin. But art and culture are not only linked in the Renaissance they are also a large portion of the Muslim world at that point. Art was used in the Mughal Court, exceedingly so, in the form of illustration in scripts. They would have small, detailed paintings called â€Å"miniatures† in books. In times of wealth, artwork would invade the empire’s temples, market places, and mosques. The artwork reflected the deities of the mosques and temples, while the artworks in the more common places were adorned with art of different styles from different countries. While the art was beautiful and elaborate in India and other major Muslim empires, it was also extremely expensive. The people of the art-obsessed nations usually had to pay hefty taxes to help finance public art projects; which meant sometimes having taxation abused to pay for huge technically unnecessary architectural buildings. An example is the Taj Mahal, a tomb for Mumtaz Mahal that Shah Jahan, one of the rulers of India, dedicated to his lost love in her memory. This sentimental gesture cost the tax payers, and his people began to starve. Art in China was intricate and just as awe inspiring as the rest of the worlds, but this is a good demonstration of how culture reflects artwork. Artwork in Europe was more about perspective, and new ideas. Chinese art valued technique and diligence over creativity and imagination. Even in pottery, technical skills and experimentation won over creativity. Kabuki was a popular source of entertainment for families with low income. It unified Chinese society with a common past time, and taught about Chinese history and cultural heroes. In the later 1700’s, Japan also focused on  heatre by using kabuki. Kabuki was an elaborate show consisting of music, exaggeration, exciting costumes and dance. They also read haikus, which uses five, seven, and five stanzas to use the senses to describe senses, smells, feelings, or sounds. All in all, culture and art do affect each other. Culture shapes the texture and subject of art, such as religion and portraits. While art affects culture in that it uses art as a way to depict wealth, as well as used for decoration and symbolism, and as a catalyst and form of release for the philosophical savants of that era. Art was also used to preserve the times of those places, and to preserve the methods and customs of their cultures. People all over the world use art for the same reasons now, and will continue using art for the same reasons. The impact that the shaping and reflecting had on the arts from long ago is evident today from in caves, to the Taj Mahal, to the Sistine Chapel. If it weren’t for the mutuality of art and culture, the world would have developed in a completely different way, and it would be a very, very dull place without the history and depictions of the olden times. – Aristotle’s quote World History: Patterns of Interaction, McDougal Littell

Monday, September 16, 2019

Lois Gould X: A Fabulous Child’s

Lois Gould X: A Fabulous Child's Story brings up the factor of raising a child gender-neutral within a society that categorized and stereotypes people by their gender and sex and how these gender roles are reinforced in society. Gould's X: A Fabulous Child's Story is about a child named X who is born for an experiment. The experiment is for two parents to raise a child where no one including the child knew whether it was a boy or girl in exchange, 23 billion dollars and 72 cents for the cost of raising baby X. This experiment was to show whether or not male and female characteristics are developed genetically or external. Baby X was raised as a happy health child who was raised and allowed to do everything both boy and girl children do, it did not matter whether only boys where suppose to play football or girls where only suppose to bake cakes, X was raised to know no differences and did both. X was never categorized or stereotyped from it parents as to how X should look, act, feel, or dress base on its gender. Because raising a gender-neutral child-like X would be difficult an unlike any other X's parents were given an official instruction manual on how to raise an X. The instruction manual helped answers and solve most of the questions and problems X's parents can across raising X in society designed for males and females. In today's society from the moment parents find out they are expecting a child most people want to know whether they will be having a boy or girl, and once a mother gives birth to a baby the first thing that is announced is if the baby is a boy or a girl. If you ask any expecting family what they wanted their baby to be most people the first thing they would most likely say is a healthy baby and, then they would say either a boy or girls; and for those who say the gender-sex of their child does not matter, in actuality it does. This is because we live in a society where society automatically characterizes people by their gender. Gender in today's society predetermines what you should wear, how you should act, feel, and look. Gould's X: A Fabulous Child's Story is an example of parents who tried to raise a gender-neutral child in a society that defines males and females from childhood by the way they dressed to the actives they participated in, an when a child like X was raised to ignore and defy all of societies gender classifications there's an up roar from children's parents. Although the children are at first confused and to curious as to if X is either a boy or girl, that later accept and embrace the factor that X is just X and does not need to be classified and defined. The parents of the children are not as accepting; they demand to find out the sex of the child, pressuring the principal and the parents to have X examined by outside experts. In society where your gender seems to predetermine how you should act and behave it is difficult to cross the invisible line that is in places for roles of males and females. I agree with Gould on the factors of how society has put in place, invisible lines of what your gender allows you to do, and what is acceptable in society. I also believe the school system does reinforce gender roles as to what society feels is acceptable, although there is a shift in society on the roles of women and men and what they can do. Today women are portrayed as heroes who hold the same positions as men and are, caring mothers, who take care of their families; because of this they line of what males and females are only supposed to do is crossed and is becoming acceptable. Gould's X: A Fabulous Child also proved that children are better accepting to change and differences from people, it is a child's parents that changes the child's perceptions of differences and what is acceptable. To live in a gender-neutral society would be ideal, but I feel society would just find another way to classify and define people.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Alcohol Dependency: Problem Drinking

Alcohol Dependency & Problem Drinking John Greenwald Edinboro University Introduction It is difficult to locate someone in the United States who feels that alcohol dependency and problem drinking is not a national problem. (Anton, R. 2010) Alcohol dependency and problem drinking has been at the forefront of policy debates at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels regarding healthcare expenses and outcomes, legal matters, and social implications for generations. Most times it is addressed in conjunction with drug abuse. (Anton, R. 010) A general population survey conducted earlier last decade estimated that the prevalence of problem drinking at 4. 65% and alcohol dependence at 3. 81% respectively in the United States. (Huebner & Wolfgang-Kantor, 2011) There are numerous ways to treat alcohol related disorders. Here are three of those interventions auricular acupuncture, 12 step based recovery programs, and moderation management program. Auricular Acupuncture Auricular acupuncture is a hol istic approach that originated in the United States during the 80’s.This form of acupuncture is widely used to treat alcohol dependency in the United States and United Kingdom as an alternative holistic approach. (Alster, M. 2010) The treatment uses five auricular acupuncture points referred to as NADA protocol, the acupuncture points are located in the ear. This intervention is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. (Alster, M. 2010) The acupuncture points used during this treatment are similar from client to client. (Alster, M. 010) The treatment modality is used in conjunction with traditional alcohol detoxification protocols, as to protect the client from physiological harm from detoxing from alcohol. One study the reported short term benefits of this intervention included feelings of relaxation, contentment, and enjoyment mixed with more long term benefits like analgesia, increases in sleep quality, and a reduction in alcohol consumption, anxiety, and cravings. (Alster, M. 2010) In addition to the positive short term benefits there were some negative side effects that were reported such as feelings of light eadedness, burning sensations, and feelings of heat at needle sites. (Alster, M. 2010) Furthermore, there were some initial reports of anxiety even before treatment started which was found to be largely attributed to a client’s fear of needles, doubt of effectiveness, and fear of something foreign. (Alster, M. 2010) Many of these negative side effects dissipated as time passed. (Alster, M. 2010) The aforementioned study of this modality paints an overall positive view of this approach however another study drew correlations that were not as positive.The later study did find similar short term results which included a reduction in alcohol consumption and an improvement in overall psychological well-being. (Ashton, Nodiyal, Green, Moore, & Heather, 2009) However, the long term results failed to indicate significant indications of the overa ll effectiveness of auricular acupuncture in long term reduction in consumption, anxiety, and cravings. (Ashton et al. , 2009) 12-Step Based Recovery Programs Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in 1935, by Bill Wilson and Dr.Bob Smith, as self-help 12-step abstinence based approach to spiritual and character development. (Huebner & Wolfgang-Kantor, 2011) To this day, the AA fellowship is free to join for anyone who is alcoholic and wants to be a member which makes it an appealing option for many resource strapped clients and social workers. Later in the 1950’s the (AA) model was introduced into a professional setting by a non-profit organization called Hazelden Foundation, which is still used widely by many treatment facilities today. (Huebner & Wolfgang-Kantor, 2011)The Hazelden model calls for an individualized intervention plan, which includes family involvement, in the context of a 28 day inpatient setting combined with participation in AA while in treatment and post t reatment as a part of an aftercare plan. Typically in this model clients also undergo cognitive-behavioral therapy and/or motivational enhancement therapy which focuses on negative consequences resulting from alcohol use and identification of triggers which can be people, places, things, and events. (Huebner & Wolfgang-Kantor, 2011) In one study researchers found hat clients who suffered from alcoholism only, whom did not have a dual diagnosis or a co-occurring diagnosis, who utilized this intervention, had more abstinent days than those treated by other methods. These individuals showed significant positive outcomes which included a higher percentage of abstinent days and a decreased number of drinks consumed on drinking days. (Huebner & Wolfgang-Kantor, 2011) Additionally those who used medications to help manage side effects such as cravings and anxiety reported even better outcomes. (Huebner & Wolfgang-Kantor, 2011)Another study suggests that there is a lack of effectiveness and perhaps even harm inflicted by the 12 step model. (Miller, J. 2008) This study implies, â€Å"that despite decades of dominance of approaches based on 12 step principles, there have been no rigorously controlled research designs comparing 12 step treatment outcomes to no-treatment controls, and a recent review found no gains in outcome for 12 step interventions over alternative interventions. † (Miller, J. 2008) The counter research suggests that interventions which are based off of the Hazelden model â€Å"appear at best ineffective and perhaps even harmful. (Miller, J. 2008) Additionally it is noteworthy that there seems to be a lack of evidence based research that supports positive outcomes greater than negative outcomes. (Miller, J. 2008) The ethics and values of many helping professions are to empower clients to overcome their own issues and to achieve the right to self-determination. With that being said the 12 step model instills moral guilt, deviance, and labeling w hile infusing its members with feelings of powerlessness and dependence on the fellowship of AA thus using external rather than internal forces to effect change. Miller, J. 2008) The disease concept of alcoholism is a central tenant to the 12 step model; it â€Å"pathologizes† individual clients by removing focus from social and mental processes that may attributing to the alcoholic behaviors. (Miller, J. 2008) The intervention appears to â€Å"reinforce counter therapeutic cognitions and behaviors. † (Miller, J. 2008) Furthermore it has been noted that the 12 step culture itself can be hostile and scrutinizing towards non-adherents. (Miller, J. 2008) Moderation Management In the 1960’s professionals in the addiction field started to ask the uestion, can alcoholics learn to control their drinking or must they abstain completely from alcohol? Moderation Management (MM) is a mutual help fellowship designed for problem drinkers, not alcohol dependent people, who wi sh to pursue a goal of moderate drinking. (Lembke & Humphreys, 2012) MM’s is based on the problem drinkers individual ability to adhere to MM guidelines, which first includes a 30 day period of abstinence which is then followed by limits on daily alcohol intake. (Lembke & Humphreys, 2012) The primary goal being moderate drinking, not abstinence, which can be obtained by following a 9 step approach. Lembke & Humphreys, 2012) One study found that alcohol dependent clients found more positive outcomes with the 12-step recovery model. Data showed that people who reported to be only problem drinkers, without alcohol dependence, were able to recover from a diagnosed problem by a rate of 30-60% depending on whether they received treatment or just attended MM. (Lembke & Humphreys, 2012) There were reports of people who identified as problem drinkers, but were really alcohol dependent, who eventually left MM because they realized they could not drink in moderation and needed an abstin ence based intervention. Lembke & Humphreys, 2012) MM widens the range of attractive options available to people with alcohol disorders. Some clinicians feel that MM is a good place to start because it can be appealing to alcohol dependent people who are adamantly opposed to abstaining entirely. (Lembke & Humphreys, 2012) These same people eventually realize, because of MM’s 9 step program, that they are not able to drink in moderation and after defeat in this avenue may become more willing to try an abstinent only intervention such as AA thus serving as a starting point for anyone with an alcohol disorder. Lembke & Humphreys, 2012) Interventions such as MM reinforces many helping professions code of ethics in the sense that it puts the client in the control of finding what works best for them and aids them in achieving self-efficacy. (Miller, J. 2008) Conclusion To pick one intervention that I feel is the best pick for evidence based practice in Social Work would be difficul t. This is something that each clinician will have to decide on a client by client basis. Starting where the client is will help the Social Worker determine which intervention is best.I found that there is a lack of scientific research which gave any kind of correlations to any one of these interventions. Much of the research suggests that a combination of interventions along with starting where the client is what produces the best results and that no exact intervention was a smoking gun. If I had to pick one intervention that I feel is most useful in terms of helping a client who presented with alcohol dependency or who described themselves as problem drinkers, the intervention I would chose would be Moderation Management, if ethically appropriate.MM allows the client to choose his or her direction with where they are at in their alcohol dependency or problem drinking. Thus, allowing them to decide for themselves if they want to simply moderate their consumption or abstain entirely . References Zemore, S. , & Kaskutas, L. (2008). 12-step involvement and peer helping in day hospital and residential programs. Substance Use & Misuse, 48, 1882-1903. Huebner, R. , & Wolfgang Kantor, L. (2011). Advances in alcoholism treatment. Alcohol Research & Health, 33(4), 295-299. Lembke, A. & Humphreys, K. (2012). Moderation management: A mutual-help organization for problem drinkers who are not alcohol dependent. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 7, 130-141. Alster, M. (2010). Auricular acupuncture at calvary alcohol & other drug services: The first year. Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, 16(2), 73-75. Ashton, H. , Nodiyal, A. , Green, D. , Moore, B. , & Heather, N. (2009). Acupuncture or counseling: outcomes and predictors of treatment choice in a non-statutory addiction service.Journal of Substance Use, 14(3-4), 151-160. Anton, R. (2010). Substance abuse is a disease of the human brain: Focus on alcohol. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Win ter 2010, 735-744. Miller, J. (2008). 12-step treatment for alcohol and substance abuse revisited: Best available evidence suggests lack of effectiveness or harm. Int J Ment Health Addiction, 6, 568-576. AA Intergroup. (n. d. ). Online intergroup Alcoholics Anonymous publications. In online Intergroup: Alcoholics Anonymous. http://www. aa-intergroup. org/.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Film Analysis of The Lady Eve Essay

The Lady Eve is a film, which tells the love tale of unlikely couple who meet each other in one of their trip on a Luxury Liner. The movie was released way back 1941 in the United States, directed by a multi-talented Director â€Å"Preston Sturges† and was written by a great dramatist â€Å"Monckton Hoffe†. In general, the lady eve is a romantic comedy film, filled with different twists and turns, on which gives a picture of an extra ordinary love story of two individuals living in a totally different world. With the depicted differences in the storyline, the plot of the movie is definitely interesting and exciting. (Star Pulse) Although, the movie Lady Eve, by Preston Sturges, did not achieve major success to garner movie awards and honorable recognition in film festival, apart from the nomination for Academy Awards – Best Writing and Original Story. The film still receives a bunch of positive feedback from credible movie critic in different generation, on which the director, artists and the rest of the people responsible for the movie had received positive recognition from the viewers of almost every generation for the film â€Å"The Lady Eve†. (Star Pulse) In the year 1994, the movie Lady Eve was acknowledged as socially, aesthetically and historically significant by the â€Å"United States National Film Registry†, on which the movie was selected for preservation by the â€Å"Library of Congress† for its social and moral importance. Nevertheless, the Lady Eve film was a wonderful work of art, that gives a fair picture of romance and comedy love tale, which mirrors a true to life situation of love and journey. (Star Pulse) Talented actors and actresses, on the other hand, had been pivotal on the outcome of the movie. The cast of the movie is set with bunch of – talented, effective, actors and actresses. Reputable actress, â€Å"Barbara Stanwyck† had played the lead role as Jean Harrington and a multi-talented film and stage actor â€Å"Henry Fonda† portrayed the leading man role as Charles Pike. In the movie, Barbara Stanwyck and and Charles Pike had played great music, on which they complement each other with their role and make the movie more appealing and exciting to watch. Nonetheless, the movie Lady Eve is one of the most humorous film way back the World War II era, on which a survivor of ever changing taste of the movie critics and audiences. (Star Pulse) Moreover, the Lady Eve is a thematic romance and comedy film. It tells the tale of two strangers with different outlook in life, bind together of their fate when they meet at a Luxury Shipping Line in one of their travels. Jean Harrington is a con artist who lives with her father â€Å"Colonel Harrington†, on which she falls in love with a guy she met on her travel. Charles Pike, on the other hand, is a rich and decent man – a philologist, who stayed in Amazon for a long period of time for his study on snakes. The movie takes place in a ship, when Jean Harrington is on a travel with her father heading back to New York, sharing the same luxury ship with the unsophisticated guy Charles Pike, who is on his travel back to the United States after his long stay in Amazon for his studies. In the ship’s dinning, Jean Harrington had saw Charles who is at that time reading a book, entitled â€Å"Are Snakes Necessary†. This scene is really funny, as Jean showed up her attraction to Charles Pike, when she trips Charles on purpose to drive his attention. This scene had been the start of the romance and comedy, on which Jean and Charles had fall to each other. In the story, snakes had been the sexual symbol that is the start of romance scenes between the two lead characters. Truthfully in love as they are, Jean and Charles, had several misunderstanding and broke up with each other. The movie is filled with romance and comedy scenes where it depicts the journey of Jean and Charles as a lover that later on succeeds in pursuit of their love. Nonetheless, this movie is totally a thematic romance and comedy film that tells the difficulties and happiness of an extra ordinary love story. In the end, Jean Harrington and Charles Pike had survived the challenges of love, despite the many differences that threatens their relationship, they managed to surpass and live with each other in-love. After all, the movie has a great opening and ended as one of the superb romantic comedy love tale, the movie industry had. It can be argued that comedy is the true theme of the movie Lady Eve. The movie is amazingly funny, on which almost every scenes is a depiction of comedy acts that is definitely satisfying – it brings me to laughter. No doubt, the Lady Eve is a product of humorous mind that depicts funniest twists and turns in its story. Definitely, most of the scenes in the movie contribute to address properly the theme of the movie. One of those scenes is the opening scenario, on which Jean trips Charles on purpose when she broke her heel to attract the attention of Charles. It possibly funny, due to the fact that Barbara Stanwyck, had turned to be an effective comedy actress in her role in the movie. Another one is the scenes where snake serve as the sexual metaphor. It is many to mention specifically what scene, however, parts in the movie definitely contributes to address the true theme of the movie. The elements of the movie, on the other hand; which are divided into five, are effectively connected with each other to complete the theme. The narrative of the movie is chronological, on which the setting and plot of the film is according to the present time when it was produced. The movie depicts, the same era of the forties and is produced according on the order of time, during the 1940’s in the United States. Artist’s performance on the other hand showcases a superb portrayal of a role that is realistic and effectively funny. Major actors and actresses, mostly Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda had been real with their portrayal of their role, on which they have been effective to be funny mostly in critical scenes in the movie. Nonetheless, the casts of the movie acts accordingly with the progress of the movie. Also, cinematography plays a pivotal role in the whole essence of the movie. It is the defining factor of certain scene, on which proper lighting and appropriate camera angle adds more emotion on the scene. In the movie Lady Eve, the cinematography is amazingly brilliant that supported the emotional aura of every scene in the film. One of my personal choices of cinematography in the movie is the scenes which involves Charles and his snakes. The camera angles are perfect – I admire the detailed angle of the snakes, and the lighting definitely sets the mood of that specific scene. With the aspect of editing, the editors had their job well done, as they apply appropriate transition of every scene that depicts on the movie. Each scene is well expressive, with the help of correct transition of every camera shots, from one angle to another. Nevertheless, the editing of the movie was wonderful, I admire the way the editors used â€Å"fade in, fade out† technique for the appropriate transition of each scene, which particularly interesting of the whole editing of the movie. In the art direction and design are perfect, as the directors and the rest of the crew had used proper – locations, effects, props, costumes and make up in the movie. The locations of every scene are perfect, which make every scenario organized with the actual time. Effects, props and costumes, on the other hand, are effective to make the scenes realistic and effective to imply proper emotions. All the funny and comedy scenes in the movie, however, are the definition of the style and strategy of the director, on which these scenes are definitely filled with humorous mind of director Preston Sturges. I personally like this movie, because of two main reasons. First is â€Å"humor†, I personally like the film on its humorous scripts which every funny scene are depictions of superb humor that brings me to laughter. Secondly, I personally like the movie because of its profound portrayal of comedy, on which every scene is a depiction of humor that at any moment funny thoughts will pop out in the script. After all, the movie Lady Eve is film filled with clear scripts and funniest scenes, which is definitely one of the finest movie in forties. Works Cited Star Pulse (2008),The Lady Eve Review: Retrieved May 8, 2008 from http://www. starpulse. com/movie/The_Lady_Eve/V28051/0/5/